So, in this prototype, we had to make a game with different area specifics.
In this case, for this game, we need, a bounce area, a bottleneck area, and two sticky areas.
A bounce area, is an area in which makes you backtrack, to do actions you thought you could skip, but are actually vital to your progression.
For example of a bounce area, in pokemon, (gold, silver, heart gold, soul silver, and platinum version), there is an ice cave, and here, you have to push boulders down through holes in the floor to get to the next area. Here, when in game, some players feel that they could just head through without pushing down boulders, but the way that the area is constructed, is that if you do not push enough boulders properly to, or strategically in the hole indicated for the boulder, you will not be able to proceed.
Another requirement for this assignment, we had to implement a reciprocation at the start of the game, where the main player gains a very powerful item right from the start from the npc, and at the end of the level, the NPC asks for a favour in return...
Again, in pokemon, this is shown, when in the gold, silver, etc. versions, the professor at the time, (Professor Elm) had you to run an errand which takes you to his friend Mr Pokemon's house. For this errand, he gives you your main pokemon, either Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile. Once you are done the errand, you head back to his lab, and after a certain scene (finally the end of the "level") he asks a favour of you to go on an adventure to gain information and collect every pokemon.
When first having to make this prototype, I never thought about how each game had a different version of these elements, and I stand surprised.
For our game, we had the requirements, but in different places. Near the beginning of the game, for our implementation of a reciprocation, we had an NPC give us a powerful sword.
The third requirement for this prototype, was an expression system. What is meant by this, is anything that would make the character unique. In our game, we made it so that the main characters cloak is able to have its colours changed to any colour at any time of the game.
We thought that these implementations were fun, and in honesty, I hope we come back to the game, and decide to remake/improve it. Great work to all of the group!
We thought that these implementations were fun, and in honesty, I hope we come back to the game, and decide to remake/improve it. Great work to all of the group!
OH, and heres the boss model, that had to be made, rigged, and weighted...MAN it was tough..but fun! :)
What had disappointed me, was that after all of the work(mostly the weighting..rigging, and modelling was incredibly easy)... some issue arised, and although the model and texture could be used, the animations made for it didn't end up being implemented given the time constraint. Still an amazing game nonetheless!
Thats it for this blog!
Kazekumaru -- Peacing Out!!