Sunday 11 November 2012

INFR3330: Game Dev Progress

Hey Everyone,

During this past GDW, I had finished all models for the characters and ideas/concepts for their individual character traits. For example, we have five different planets(levels) in our game. Fire, Ice, Tropical, Desert, and Ocean. So for each model, I designed them to take on certain traits of each planet.

For instance, the Ice planet model looks like a diamond, or icicle so if it was an inhabitant of that planet, it could thrive.
Enemy Model 5

Some problems that we're going through however, is that, with everything in gaming coming to a close, we would like to implement some interesting game design, but with the way that everything is going, we may only be able to implement certain AI (Artificial Intelligence), and have every other requirement for our classes. This is a problem.

Although AI are amazing to have in the game, a game needs unique level design. Once it has this, it can only make the game greater, and more "fun" for the player.

We will try and tackle this problem once other things are figured out..but for now..

Kazekumaru -- Peacing Out!

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