Thursday 16 February 2012

Game Design and Production Blog 5 - Individual Homework

Welcome to my blog! This post is for my Game Design and Production class. In this post, I shall be talking about individual works that we are supposed to finish for homework.

First Individual Part: Card game: War --REMIX!

Our task for this remix of a game was to change rules and to make it more skill based. Here are the rules, and then I will give my remix to the certain part of a game in which makes it more skill based.

Players: 2

 Materials needed: one standard 52-card deck of playing cards (with Jokers removed)
 Setup: Shuffle the deck of cards and deal out half to each player. Players take their cards in a single
face-down stack.

Progression of Play: Simultaneously, players flip over the top card of their deck. If the cards are of
unequal rank (number), the higher rank wins the “battle” and that player takes both cards and sets
them aside in a discard pile (Aces are high, then King, Queen, Jack, then 10 down to 2). When a
player runs out of cards in their deck, they take their discard pile and turn it over to form a new deck.

 Wars: If players flip over cards that are equal rank, it starts a “war.” Players each deal three cards
face-down, then flip up a new card face-up, and the higher rank of the new face-up card wins all face-down and face-up cards. This process is repeated if the new face-up cards are the same rank,
continuing with additional “wars” until eventually one player wins.

Resolution: The game ends when one player runs out of cards, or when one player must play cards for
a “war” but they do not have enough cards remaining in their deck and discard pile. That player loses
the game, and their opponent wins.

This game has no decisions whatsoever. The game mechanically plays itself, and the players merely act as tools
to play out the game to its pre-determined conclusion.
My remix to the game was this:

During war, you look at the 3 cards you play face down, and then flip 1 card face up. The card face up card competes for the higher rank with the opponent's face up card. if you lose, you have 1 chance to redeem yourself by flipping one of the 3 face down cards to try and beat their card's rank. If the opponent was going to win before you redeemed yourself, they do not flip one of their face down cards.

A video will be uploaded later.

Second Individual Part: Tic-Tac-Toe  --REMIX!

Our task here is to submit a new rule-set, a proper description of the game, and appropriate documentation. Here is the all of the above:

Players: 2

Materials needed: Surface of which you can draw a 3 x 3 grid, and a writing utensil.

Progression of Play: Simultaneously, each person fills out a spot of the grid until one person get 3 of their specific kind of symbol in a row, column or diagonal. As stated before, the objective of the game is to get 3 of a kind (getting 3 of your symbol in a row, diagonal, or column makes you win the game). During the gameplay, you try and block off the other person in which makes them unable to get 3 of a kind, while also, aiming to get 3 of a kind yourself. The symbols are either X or O.

Here is my remix of the game and rules adding some Luck.

Players: 2

Materials needed: Surface of which you can draw a 3 x 3 grid, and a writing utensil.

Progression of Play: Simultaneously, each person fills out a spot of the grid until one person get 3 of their specific kind of symbol in a row, column or diagonal. As stated before, the objective of the game is to get 3 of a kind (getting 3 of your symbol in a row, diagonal, or column makes you win the game). During the gameplay, you try and block off the other person in which makes them unable to get 3 of a kind, while also, aiming to get 3 of a kind yourself. The symbols are either X or O.  If someone is going to win, you can roll a die for a chance to block them. To do this, you must roll a die. If you roll a 6, you may interrupt their turn and place one of your symbols where you want to either win, or block them off.

My addition adds luck to the game to see who wins.

Third Individual Part: MONSTERS Corp. --REMIX!

Originally, Monsters Corp. was a game of skill. Here, our objective was to turn an already made game of either skill or luck. If its originally luck, turn it into skill, and if skill, turn it into luck.

Here are the rules of Monsters Corp.:

Players: 2-4 people
Included: one die, tile-game
First to Get majority of board wins
rolling dye to choose order of turns.
and then proceed clock-wise
first to acquire all land wins.
every tile has a monster. lvl 1-20.
every monster you defeat, you gain a level. in order to defeat a monster, you must roll a number, when added onto yours, kills the monster. That part that the monster was on, becomes your land.
To acquire another person's land once they've already conquered it:

The strongest monster in which each person had beaten face off, and each roll a die. If the die and the monsters lvl together are higher than the other monsters, then the person with the higher monster and die win and conquer that land.
You are only allowed to team up with one person who is weaker than you, or the person closest to your level. If neither of these things occur, for example, you are level 10, and everyone else is level 20, then you may pick who is your partner.

 This is because with the amount of monsters that there are, and the amount of strength that each have added to the die roll, would be too one-sided.
Death - once all of your land is taken, you are disqualified and kicked out of the game..YOU LOSE.

Here is my remix of the game Monsters Corp. in which adds luck.

Players: 2-4 people
Included: one die, tile-game
First to Get majority of board wins
rolling dye to choose order of turns.
And then proceed clock-wise
first to acquire all land wins.
every tile has a monster. lvl 1-20.
every monster you defeat, you gain a level. in order to defeat a monster, you must be either, a higher level than the monster, or, roll a number with the die. That part that the monster was on, becomes your land.
To acquire another person's land once they've already conquered it:

The strongest monster in which each person had beaten face off, and each roll a die. If the die and the monsters lvl together are higher than the other monsters, then the person with the higher monster and die win and conquer that land.
You are only allowed to team up with one person. However, now you determine this by rolling a die. At the start of this game, you rolled a die to see who does first. That person is now player 1. Each person after(clock-wise), are given a number in which increases until 4 is reached. When rolling the die, if you get your own number, you cannot team up with anyone.
Death - once all of your land is taken, you are disqualified and kicked out of the game..YOU LOSE.

My changed rule mechanic in Monsters Corp., makes the game more one-sided. This is a positive feed-back loop now stationed within the game.

Thanks for reading my post!

Kazekumaru -- Peacing Out!

Questions to consider:

  1. Do you think that the third remix was too simple? If so, leave some feedback
  2. What did you like about my changes?

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