Friday 3 February 2012

Shaman King Master of Spirits 1&2 - Intermediate Computer Graphics Blog 4 (INFR 2350)

Hey, Welcome to my blog! This is my fourth post for my Intermediate Computer Graphics Class.

While growing up, Shaman King was my favourite Gameboy game. As I grew older, although tastes changed, games advanced, systems changed, and the world grew, I still had an immense love for it. In this blog, I will be talking about Shaman King Master of Spirits 1 and 2.

Shaman King Master of Spirits 1

In this game, this is where Yoh, had gained his first spirit Amidamaru. Amidamaru is a master samurai.

In the game, there are little spirits in which float around. These spirits could be said to be particles that attract around the main character. They could be using a seek algorithm and, also have a certain shader in which blends two textures together. One of a certain flame flicker, and another.

There are also certain shaders that change a certain textures colour with rain, as seen in this battle between the main character and a subcharacter named Ryu.

This game continues until Yoh gets close to becoming Shaman King.

Shaman King Master of Spirits 2

In this version of Shaman King, Yoh is in the middle of the tournament and is out to defeat his twin brother Zeke.

With these games, even though they are simple and low quality, complex programs can be instilled into them. The definition, thought process, story, and battle style really makes the player interact and like the least I did ? Haha

Kazekumaru -- Peacing Out!

Questions to consider:

From above or a gamplay video off of YouTube, would you play it?
Take this game play vid for consideration.

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